Part I.
A. Cultual problem
1. Japanese culture - teacher JayR
2. Teaching English to Koreans - teacher Pcai
B. ethical problems
1. ethical problems observed in teaching - teacher Clara
C. lesson plan
1. Designing a simple but effective lesson plan - teacher Philip
D. teachers training
1. Great teachers help create great students
Part II.
A. Differences between American & British - teacher Philip & Wilma
1. American British Pronunciation
B. Effective strategies in teaching 1on1
1. presentation - teacher Charles
2. presentation - teacher Jonathan
3. presentation - teacher Vicky (writing)
C. Effective strategies in teaching group classes
1. presentation - teacher Hanzel (speaking & listening)
2. presentation - teacher Mari (grammar)
3. presentation - teacher Neva (reading & voca)
4. presentation - teacher Pcai (writing)
5. presentation - teacher Wilma (pronunciation)
D. Extension programs
1. Business options
E. Strategies in teaching using the books
1. Teaching using the books - teacher Joan (grammar)
2. Reading advantage - teacher Jeff (reading)
3. SLE - teacher Hannah (listening & speaking)